Sunday, July 19, 2009

Jaipur....a place where you dont want to be???

Right now I'm in Jaipur for the last 2 i got some time to share my experience of staying in Jaipur.

Jaipur will be the last place i will want to be, people here are too bad...sorry not bad but worst. They will always try to make fool of you. They have a lot attitude and ego problem.

If you want to come to Jaipur come for just 2 days visit all the Historic places and never come back if you take my suggestion.

If you are coming here make all your arrangements in advance only and check with 3-4 people before finalizing something.

All the Best!!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Mumbai....City of Dreams....really true!!!

I have heard alot about Mumbai....that it is city of dreams where dreams become reality. Fews days back i got a chance to go there and what i have heard about the city was absolutely right.

The People are so good and so charming (always having a happy face) that when you look at their faces your half the tensions are gone.

Marine Drive and Local trains are two most happening places in Mumbai,India.

I have come back from Mumbai but i have fallen in Love with that city and always feel like going there.

One must visit Mumbai,India in a lifetime.

Love you Mumbai........

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A humble request... Picture says LET US LIVE...

Kindly put a pot/bowl full of water in the balcony for birds to protect them in hot summer.
If your house is a row house type, request to do the same for animals.
We must protect our birds & animals, those who can’t speak their troubles.
Kindly tell this to each and every one you know.

This is really touching!!

Thanks a lot!!!

April Fools Day....How it all started???

The history of April Fool's Day or All Fool's Day is uncertain, but the current thinking is that it began around 1582 in France with the reform of the calendar under Charles IX. The Gregorian Calendar was introduced, and New Year's Day was moved from March 25 - April 1 (new year's week) to January 1.

Communication traveled slowly in those days and some people were only informed of the change several years later. Still others, who were more rebellious refused to acknowledge the change and continued to celebrate on the last day of the former celebration, April 1. These people were labeled "fools" by the general populace, were subject to ridicule and sent on "fool errands," sent invitations to nonexistent parties and had other practical jokes played upon them. The butts of these pranks became known as a "poisson d'avril" or "April fish" because a young naive fish is easily caught. In addition, one common practice was to hook a paper fish on the back of someone as a joke.

This harassment evolved over time and a custom of prank-playing continue on the first day of April. This tradition eventually spread elsewhere like to Britain and Scotland in the 18th century and was introduced to the American colonies by the English and the French. Because of this spread to other countries, April Fool's Day has taken on an international flavor with each country celebrating the holiday in its own way.

In Scotland, for instance, April Fool's Day is devoted to spoofs involving the buttocks and as such is called Taily Day. The butts of these jokes are known as April 'Gowk', another name for cuckoo bird. The origins of the "Kick Me" sign can be traced back to the Scottish observance.

In England, jokes are played only in the morning. Fools are called 'gobs' or 'gobby' and the victim of a joke is called a 'noodle.' It was considered back luck to play a practical joke on someone after noon.

In Rome, the holiday is known as Festival of Hilaria, celebrating the resurrection of the god Attis, is on March 25 and is also referred to as "Roman Laughing Day."

In Portugal, April Fool's Day falls on the Sunday and Monday before lent. In this celebration, many people throw flour at their friends.

The Huli Festival is celebrated on March 31 in India. People play jokes on one another and smear colors on one another celebrating the arrival of Spring.

So, no matter where you happen to be in the world on April 1, don't be surprised if April fools fall playfully upon you.

Sunday, March 15, 2009 pollution full!!!

Few days back i went to Bangalore for some offical purpose.I reached there in the evening around, at that time the weather was very good i enjoyed alot.

The next day i have to go to Global Village at Mysore Road. On the way to Global Village i realised how difficult it is to live in Bangalore so much Traffic, narrow roads and hell lot of pollution.

The Roads the narrow its ok, nobody can do anything now, as everything is established but pollution is horrible specially Autos,smoke is coming out from them continously and nobody takes care of it and in some places it is difficult to breathe also.

I dont understand Bangalore is a IT Hub and a educated place but why dont the people understand this basic thing that we have to reduce Pollution as much as possible and that to very quickly.

Mankind have only got some years to stop Global Warming...otherwise our Mother Earth will be Past.......Please do something....Please.....

Monday, February 16, 2009 full of pollution!!!

I'm currently living in Hyderabad and it is full of Pollution and nobody takes care of it, not even the Traffic police.

If you manage to come to Hyderabad,just take one round of the city in cab or Auto(be careful of the auto drivers they are very smart and will try to take advantage of you, only go by meter and on the way keep asking nearby people for the way) you will notice the following things.
1. Smoke will be coming from the Autos, Cars, Trucks etc..
2. On the red light nobody will switch off their CO2 producing engines even if they know that they have to stand their at 2 min or so and even if you say to them that please switch off your auto etc they will say who will start it again.
3. Black Smoke coming from factories.

I don't know what is happening in Hyderabad but one thing is sure they are not concerned about Pollution at all.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire...a cheap movie????

It is a cheap movie and it has only shown bad things about India.

In One scene when Americans car is robbed during parking, the boy say this is India but the Americans say let them show them what is America.I dont have any disrespect for America but i felt that it was disrespecting for India.

I also dont like the use of word "slumdog" in the movie instead of it they might have used "slumboy".

I dont know why alot of media importance is given to it.

Its a BAD Movie...I think this movie is made in Hollywood thats why it is getting so much publicty, if it was made in Bollywood it wood have been taken off from theatres from day one.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

How to reduce Green House Gases???

The kind of globalisation going on and energy hungry nations like India and China which are on rise and the demand for Oil is increasing day by day, it is very difficult to reduce or even limit the Green House Gases specially CO2 which is responsible for Global warming.

In my opinion the immediate solution for this problem can be to make large containers which can contain CO2 extracted from Atomosphere.I think it will reduce the CO2 from the atmosphere to a great extend and in the mean while we have invest in Green Energy solutions like Solar,Wind etc to save the world.

The way Global Warming is going on right now i think the world will only survive 100 to 150 Years at max not more than that.

This is only time to stand and do something about it otherwise it will be too late to do something.